Eye Care X3
Red light 670nm published in scientific reports. This study builds on the teams previous work, which showed daily 3 minute exposure to long wave deep red light 670nm switched on energy producing mitochondria cells in the human retina, this helps boost naturally declining vision. In summary, researchers found there was on average, a 17% improvement in participants colour contrast vision as well, when exposed to 3 minutes of 670 nanometre deep red light in the morning between 6.30 and 9.30am, the effects of this single exposure lasted for at least a week and in some older participants there was a 20% improvement also lasting a week. After 9.30am the effects were not as noticeable.
Scientists say, the benefits of deep red light 670nm, highlighted by the findings, mark a breakthrough for eye health, helping the millions of people globally with naturally declining vision.
Lead author, Professor Glen Jeffery (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology), said, "we demonstrated that 1 single exposure to long wave deep red light in the morning, can significantly improve declining vision, which is a major health and wellbeing issue, affecting millions of people globally".
"This simple intervention, applied at the population level, would significantly impact, on quality of life as people age".